aPriori True Cost Convergence
Released on = September 6, 2006, 3:00 am
Press Release Author = Nate Kalowski
Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = aPriori True Cost Convergence
Press Release Body = According to Frank Azzolino, president of aPriori Technologies, "As important cost impacting decisions are made throughout the product development and delivery process, cost assessments must converge on the 'true cost' of the product. This means constantly available cost information with continuously improving cost accuracy and smooth convergence to true cost. Traditional processes offer periodic cost updates resulting in the late, and often unexpected, realization of missed cost targets." aPriori's "True Cost ConvergenceT" allows cost targets to be achieved at product launch resulting in faster time to profit.
Single Cost Management Software Platform
Cost relevant data and the application to create, manage and share that data must be available in a single platform. aPriori offers a single environment based on industry standard technology and architecture.
The aPriori v4.0 Cost Management Software Platform provides real-time, predictive cost assessments throughout the entire product development and delivery process. aPriori v4.0 enables designers and engineers, manufacturing engineers and planners, purchasing and sourcing professionals, cost managers, and program/project management to make better decisions to reduce, avoid, and recover product costs. aPriori\'s solutions enable manufacturing companies to measurably reduce their Costs-of-Goods Sold (COGS) by whole percentages by identifying quantifiable savings in material, tooling, labor and overhead while evaluating alternative designs, manufacturing processes, and vendor sources.
Based in Concord, MA, aPriori is the technology leader providing innovative cost management solutions to the discrete manufacturing industry. aPriori's Cost Management Software Platform enables manufacturers to better understand product cost decisions early and throughout the product lifecycle. aPriori's Cost Management Platform empowers manufacturers to lower cost-of-goods sold (COGS), provides real-time visibility to "cost-critical" decision information, and builds critical cost knowledge to go on the business "offensive." aPriori's patented cost management platform allows companies to assess, control, and reduce cost of goods sold by whole percentages. The aPriori Platform truly enables "Cost Knowledge Before it Matters."
Web Site = http://www.aPriori.com
Contact Details = aPriori www.aPriori.com Nate Kalowski Communications Director pr@apriori.com 978-371-2006
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